Monday, November 21, 2011

No Den Meetings 11-21-11

There will be no Den Meetings tonight. Please have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. We look forward to seeing each of you at our Pack Meeting next Monday, 11-28-11.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Den Meeting 11-14-11

In tonight's den meeting, we learned about pocketknives and pocketknife safety. We started the meeting by discussing how to properly use a pocketknife and when it is safe to use it. We learned how to sharpen our knife and to make sure our safety circle is in place before we start. All Scouts recited the "pocketknife pledge" and once they understood and agreed to the terms, were allowed to proceed with the exercise. The exercise tonight was to carve out a three dimensional shape using our whittling skills. Everyone did a great job!

Den Meeting 11-7-11

In tonight's den meeting we learned about maps and how to use a compass. We learned what information can be found in the legend of a map and how to navigate from one point to another. Each scout created their own map ofntheir community. In order to satisfy the requirements for the map and compass belt loop, each scout had to use a compass tand follow coordinates to a destination. We are very proud of all our Scouts and the effort they out forth.